Saturday, July 24, 2010

CLAM Gets Noticed by The Chronicle of Higher Education!

Dr. Constancio Nakuma
The July 22 Issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education featured a story on Study Abroad experiences, and highlighted the work of the students and faculty involved in our own beloved CLAM! The article features interviews from the instructor, Randy Nichols,  from students Meg Sparkman and Jennifer McAmis, and from Dr. Tharon Howard and Dr. Constancio Nakuma, who were instrumental in facilitating the development of the course.

You can find the article here:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

CLAM Featured in College Magazine

The Cultural Literacies Across Media course, and the work of its students, are featured in the recent issue of AAH - the magazine of the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities. The article by Sarah Brown features original photos from our students, as well as links to samples of blogs and video. Check out the pdf for the full four-page color spread!

Dr. Constancio Nakuma, Associate Dean - CAAH, is quoted in the article as saying, "“CLAM is a way to teach students how to reflect on the permanent message etched into them while they study abroad, that they are part of a bigger picture. CLAM was designed to help our students learn how to paint themselves into that bigger picture consciously and as true to self as they can."

CLAM Hits Clemson's OIA YouTube Channel

Many of the videos from CLAM students studying abroad have been posted on Clemson's Office of International Affairs YouTube Channel. The exceptional work of our CLAM students is getting international exposure through this channel. Check it out!